Tuesday March 4, 2003
15:00 - 15:15
Tutorial I
15:15 - 16:00 TuP-K-1
Control principles for locomotion - looking toward biology
A.H. Cohen
University of Maryland
Tutorial II
16:15 - 17:00 TuP-K-2
Purposive Locomotion of Insect in Indefinite Environment
M. Yano
Tohoku University
Welcome Party at the Hall
17:30 - 19:30
Wednesday March 5, 2003
Special Lecture
09:30 - 10:30 WeA-K-3
Higher Nervous Control of Quadrupedal vs Bipedal Locomotion in
Non-Human Primates; Common and Specific Properties
S. Mori
National Institute for Physiological Sciences, Japan
Session WeA-I: Higher Level Control of Bipedal Locomotion
Invited Talk
10:45 - 11:30 WeA-K-4
Coupling static and dynamic environmental information from the
visual system to locomotor action
A.E. Patla
University of Waterloo
Contributed Paper
11:30 - 11:50 WeA-I-1
Higher Nervous Control System in Bipedally Walking Japanese Monkey,
Macaca fuscata
F. Mori and S. Mori
National Institute for Physiological Sciences, Japan
11:50 - 12:10 WeA-I-2
Visuomotor Coordination in Walking Machines
M.A. Lewis
Iguana Robotics, Inc.
Session WeP-I: Analysis & Control of Bipedal Locomotion
13:15 - 13:35 WeP-I-1
Design and Construction of MIKE; a 2D autonomous biped based on
passive dynamic walking
M. Wisse and J. van Frankenhuyzen
Delft University of Technology
13::35 - 13:55 WeP-I-2
Motion Generate and Control of Quasi-Passsive-Dynamic-Walking
based on the concept of Delayed Feedback Control
Y. Sugimoto and K.Osuka
Kyoto University
13:55 - 14:15 WeP-I-3
Minimum Input Walking Gait of Four-DOF Biped Model Solved by Optimal
Trajectory Planning Method
C. Peng and K. Ono
Tokyo Institute of Technology
14:15 - 14:35 WeP-I-4
Static balance control and external force estimation using ground
reaction forces
S. Ito1,2, Y. Aoyama1 and H. Kawasaki1
1Gifu University and 2Bio-mimetic Control Research Center, RIKEN
14:35 - 14:55 WeP-I-5
Analysis of Dynamics of Passive Walking from Energy Function and
Y. Ikemata, A. Sano and H. Fujimoto
Nagoya Institute of Technology
Session WeP-II: Rhythmic Motion Analysis & Implementation
15:10 - 15:30 WeP-II-1
Measurement and Numerical Simulation of a Flapping Butterfly
K. Senda, T. Tanaka and M. Sawamoto
Kanazawa University
15:30 - 15:50 WeP-II-2
An Analog CMOS Circuit Implementing CPG Controller for Quadruped
Walking Robot
K. Nakada, T. Asai and Y. Amemiya
University of Hokkaido
15:50 - 16:10 WeP-II-3
A Bidirectional Weak Coupling Approach To Rhythmic Movement
H. Hirai and F. Miyazaki
Osaka University
Session WeP-II (OS): Control Principles from Biologically Inspired Mechanics
16:25 - 16:45 WeP-III-1
Simulation study of self-excited walking of a biped mechanism
with bent knee
K. Ono and X. Yao
Tokyo Institute of Technology
16:45 - 17:05 WeP-III-2
On Recent Bio-mimetic Studies of Legged Locomotion --- Diversity,
Adaptability and Energy Consumption for Hexapod, Quadruped and
Z.W. Luo, T. Odashima, F. Asano and S. Hosoe
Bio-mimetic Control Research Center, RIKEN
17:05 - 17:25 WeP-III-3
Necessity of Body Image in Applying Reinforcement Learning to
Redundant Robots
K. Ito1, A. Gofuku1 and M. Takeshita1, and F. Matsuno2
1Okayama University and 2Tokyo Institute of Technology
17:25 - 17:45 WeP-III-4
Control of Snake Like Robot for Locomotion and Manipulation
M. Yamakita1,2 , T. Yamada1 and K. Tanaka1
1Tokyo Institute of Technology and 2Bio-mimetic Control Research
Center, RIKEN
17:45 - 18:05 WeP-III-5
Experimental Study on Control of 3D Redundant Snake Robot based
on Kinematic Model
F. Matsuno and K. Suenaga
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Thursday March 6, 2003
Keynote Speech I
09:30 - 10:15 ThA-K-5
Biorobotics in the Age of Integration
R.J. Full
University of California at Berkeley
Session ThA-I: Dynamic & Adaptive Locomotion
10:30 - 10:50 ThA-I-1
Adapting Work Through Actuator Phasing in Running
J.G. Cham and M.R. Cutkosky
Stanford University
10:50 - 11:10 ThA-I-2
On the Dynamics of Bounding and Extensions Towards the Half-Bound
and the Gallop Gaits
I. Poulakakis, J.A. Smith and M. Buehler
McGill University
11:10 - 11:30 ThA-I-3
Exploiting Friction for the Locomotion of a Hopping Robot
F. Iida
University of Zurich
11:30- 11:50 ThA-I-4
The Influence of Friction on Gait and Energy Efficiency of the
Walking Robot Based on Rhythmic Control
H. Takemura, J. Ueda, Y. Matsumoto and T. Ogasawara
Nara Institute of Science and Technology
Keynote Speech II
13:00 - 13:45 ThP-K-6
Control of hexapod walking in biological systems
*H. Cruse, V. Durr, J. Schmitz, A. Schneider
University of Bielefeld
Session ThP-I (OS): Mobiligence
14:00 - 14:20 ThP-I-1
A Turning Strategy of a Multi-Legged Locomotion Robot
K. Tsuchiya, S. Aoi and K. Tsujita
Kyoto University
14:20 - 14:40 ThP-I-2
Dynamics Based Integration of Motion Adaptation for a Quadruped
H. Kimura, Y. Fukuoka and T. Mimura
University of Electro-Communications
14:40 - 15:00 ThP-I-3
Toward "well-balanced" design: a robotic-case study
- How should control and body dynamics be coupled? -
A. Ishiguro1, K. Ishimaru1, K. Hayakawa1 and T. Kawakatsu2
1Nagoya University and 2Tohoku University
15:00 - 15:20 ThP-I-4
Development of a Hexapod Robot focusing on Leg Compliance
H. Hayashi, T. Kondo and K. Ito
Tokyo Institute of Technology
15:20 - 15:40 ThP-I-5
Learning Energy Efficient Walking with Ballistic Walking
M. Ogino, K. Hosoda and M. Asada
Osaka University
Session ThP-II: Neural Control & Learning
15:55 - 16:15 ThP-II-1
Gait transition from swimming to walking: investigation of salamander
locomotion control using nonlinear oscillators
A.J. Ijspeert1 and J.-M. Cabelguen2
1Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and 2The French Institute
of Health and Medical Research
16:15 - 16:35 ThP-II-2
Bilateral Decoupling in the Neural Control of Biped Locomotion
C. Paul
University of Zurich
16:35 - 16:55 ThP-II-3
A Motion Learning Method using CPG/NP
F. Nagashima
Fujitsu Laboratories
16:55 - 17:15 ThP-II-4
Learning to bounce: First lessons from a bouncing robot
M. Lungarella and L. Berthouze
Neuroscience Research Institute, Japan
17:15 - 17:35 ThP-II-5
Reinforcement Learning for Biped Robot
Y. Nakamura1, M. Sato2,3 and S. Ishii1,3
1Nara Institute of science and technology, 2ATR and 3CREST, JST
Official Robot Demonstration at the Hall
Friday March 7, 2003
Keynote Speech III
09:15 - 10:00 FrA-K-7
Jumping, running, dancing, flying, reaching: moving into the future.
Design principles for adaptive mobile systems
R. Pfeifer
University of Zurich
Session FrA-I: Modeling & Analysis of Locomotion
Invited Talk
10:15 - 10:50 FrA-K-8
Biomechatronics - how much biology does the engineer need?
H. Witte
Technical University of Ilmenau
Invited Talk
10:50 - 11:25 FrA-K-9
Towards emulating adaptive locomotion of a quadrupedal primate
by a neuro-musculo-skeletal model
*N. Ogihara1 and N. Yamazaki2
1Kyoto University and 2Keio University
Contributed Paper
11:25 - 11:45 FrA-I-1
An analytical study of the cost of transport for legged locomotion
J. Nishii
Yamaguchi University
11:45 - 12:05 FrA-I-2
Modeling of Insects Legs by Inverse Kinematics Analysis
S. Laksanacharoen1, R.D. Quinn2 and R.E. Ritzmann2
1King Mongkuts Institute of Technology North Bangkok
2Case Western Reserve University
Official Technical Tour to ATR (half
12:30 -
Banquet at the Rihga Royal Hotel Kyoto
19:00 - 21:00
Saturday March 8, 2003
Session SaA-I: Biologically Inspired Machine Design & Control Architecture
09:30 - 09:50 SaA-I-1
A Cockroach Inspired Robot With Artificial Muscles
D.A. Kingsley, R.D. Quinn and R.E. Ritzmann
Case Western Reserve University
09:50 - 10:10 SaA-I-2
The RoboCoq Project : Modelling and Design of a Bird-like Robot
Equipped with Stabilized Vision
V. Hugel1, A. Abourachid2, H. Gioanni3, M. Maurice3, O. Stasse1,4,
P. Bonnin1 and P. Blazevic1
1Laboratoire de Robotique de Versailles
2Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle
3Laboratoire de Neurobiologie des Reseaux Sensori-moteurs
4Laboratoire de Traitement et Transport de l' Information
10:10 - 10:30 SaA-I-3
Viki Humanoid: Towards an Integrated Approach
H.H. Lund, L. Pagliarini, L. Paramonov and M.W. Jrgensen
University of Southern Denmark
10:30 - 10:50 SaA-I-4
A Behaviour Network Concept for Controlling Walking Machines
J. Albiez, T. Luksch, K. Berns and R. Dillmann
Forschungszentrum Informatik Karlsruhe
Session SaA-II: Motion and Behavior
11:05 - 11:25 SaA-II-1
An Approach from Motion Generation Recognition to Intelligence
based on Mimesis Principle
T. Inamura1,2, H. Tanie1, I. Toshima1 and Y. Nakamura1,2
1University of Tokyo and 2CREST, JST
11:25 - 11:45 SaA-II-2
Recognition and Generation of Leg Primitive Motions for Dance
S. Nakaoka1, A. Nakazawa2, K. Yokoi3 and K. Ikeuchi1
1University of Tokyo
2Japan Science and Technology Corporation (JST)
3National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
11:45 - 12:05 SaA-II-3
Emergence of Joint Attention based on Visual Attention and Self
Y. Nagai, K. Hosoda, A. Morita and M. Asada
Osaka University
Session SaP-I (OS): Robot Brain I
13:15 - 13:35 SaP-I-1
Optimizing Human Motion for the Control of a Humanoid Robot
A. Safonova1 , N.S. Pollard2,3 and J.K. Hodgins1,3
1Carnegie Mellon University
2 Brown University
3ATR Human Information Science Laboratories
13:35 - 13:55 SaP-I-2
Dynamic Computation of Musculo-Skeletal Human Model Based on Efficient
Algorithm for Closed Kinematic Chains
Y. Nakamura1,2, K. Yamane3, I. Suzuki1 and Y. Fujita1
1University of Tokyo, 2CREST, JST and 3Carnegie Mellon University
13:55 - 14:15 SaP-I-3
Dynamic Movement Primitives - A Framework for Motor Control in
Humans and Humanoid Robotics
Stefan Schaal1,2
1University of South California and 2ATR Human Information Science
14:15 - 14:35 SaP-I-4
Human Walk Pitch Extraction by Interactively Trainable Robot Vision
for Human-Robot Synchronized Walking
K. Okabe1, K. Hidai1, H. Mizoguchi2, K. Hiraoka1, T. Shigehara1,
M. Tanaka1, T. Mishima1
and S. Yoshizawa1
1Saitamata University and 2Tokyo University of Science
Session SaP-II (OS): Robot Brain II
14:50 - 15:10 SaP-II-1
Does the invariance in multi-modalities represent the body scheme?
- a case study with vision and proprioception -
Y. Yoshikawa, K. Hosoda and M. Asada
Osaka University
15:10 - 15:30 SaP-II-2
Synthesis of Dynamics Based Information Processing System of Robot
Using Synchronization in the Coupled Arnold Equations
A. Sekiguchi1 and Y. Nakamura2,3
1Hirosaki University, 2University of Tokyo and 3CREST, JST
15:30 - 15:50 SaP-II-3
On-line dynamic obstacle avoidance
Z. Shiller
College of Judea and Samaria
15:50 - 16:10 SaP-II-4
Application of Lyapunov Function Based Synthesis of Nonsmooth
Limit Cycles to Motion Generation for Humanoid Robots
M. Adachi, T. Ushio and S. Yamamoto
Osaka University
Session SaP-III (OS): Robot Brain III
16:25 - 16:45 SaP-III-1
Hierachical Design of Dynamics Based Information Processing System
for Humanoid Motion Generation
M. Okada1, D. Nakamura1 and Y. Nakamura1,2
1University of Tokyo and 2CREST, JST
16:45 - 17:05 SaP-III-2
Reductive Mapping for Sequential Patterns of Humanoid Body Motion
K. Tatani1 and Y. Nakamura1,2
1University of Tokyo and 2CREST,JST
17:05 - 17:25 SaP-III-3
Humanoid Robot Mechanisms for Responsive Mobility
M. Okada1, T. Shinohara1, T. Gotoh1, S. Ban1 and Y, Nakamura1,2
1University of Tokyo and 2CREST,JST
17:25 - 17:45 SaP-III-4
Whole-body Cooperative COG Control through ZMP Manipulation for
Humanoid Robots
T. Sugihara1 and Y. Nakamura1,2
1University of Tokyo and 2CREST,JST
Closing Remarks
18:00 - 18:30