International Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines
Montreal, Canada, August 8-12, 2000

Cover Page

Tuesday August 8, 2000

Briefing of AMAM [slides]
University of Electro-Communications

Keynote Speech I

Neuronal Mechanisms for the Adaptive Control of Locomotion in the Cat
T. Drew
University of Montreal

Keynote Speech II

Nonlinear Dynamics of the Human Motor Control - Real-Time and Anticipatory Adaptation of Locomotion
and Development of Movements -

G. Taga
University of Tokyo

Session TuA-I: Visual Adaptation Mechanisms of Systems in Locomotion
Chairs: T. Drew1 and A.E. Patla2
1University of Montreal
2University of Waterloo

Local Path Planning during Human Locomotion over Irregular Terrain
*A.E. Patla, E. Niechwiej and L. Santos
University of Waterloo

Emergence of Quadruped Walk by a Combination of Reflexes
*K. Hosoda, T. Miyashita and M. Asada
Osaka University

A Model of Visually Triggered Gait Adaptation
*M.A. Lewis and L.S. Simo
Iguana Robotics

Session TuA-II: Neuro-Mechanics
Chairs: G. Taga1 and H. Witte2
1University of Tokyo
2Friedrich-Schiller-Universitat Jena

Biologically Inspired Dynamic Walking of a Quadruped on Irregular Terrain - Adaptation at Spinal Cord
and Brain Stem -
*H. Kimura and Y. Fukuoka
University of Electro-Communications

Adaptive Posture Control of a Four-Legged Walking Machine Using Some Principles of Mammalian

*W. Ilg1, J. Albiez1, H. Witte2 and R. Dillmann1
1Forschungszentrum Informatik Kalsruhe and 2 Friedrich-Schiller-Universitat Jena

Stabilization of Periodic Motions - from Juggling to Bipedal Walking - [slides]
*S. Miyakoshi1, G. Taga2 and Y. Kuniyoshi1
1Electrotechnical Laboratory and 2University of Tokyo

Synchronized Robot Drumming by Neural Oscillators
*S. Kotosaka1 and S. Schaal1, 2
1Kawato Dynamic Brain Project(ERATO/JST) and 2University of Southen California

Session TuP-II: Design of Neural Controller
Chairs: A.J. Ijspeert1 and A. Ishiguro2
1University of Southern California
2Nagoya Univesity

A Neuromechanical Investigation of Salamander Locomotion
A.J. Ijspeert
University of Southern California

Evolutionary Creation of an Adaptive Controller for a Legged-Robot: A Dynamically-Rearranging Neural
Network Approach

*A. Fujii1, *A. Ishiguro1, K. Otsu1, Y. Uchikawa1, T. Aoki2 and P.Eggenberger3
1Nagoya Univesity, 2Nagoya Municipal Industrial Research Institute and 3ATR

On Nonlinear Dynamics that Generates Rhythmic Motion with Specific Accuracy
*K. Senda and T. Tanaka
Osaka Prefecture University

Wednesday August 9, 2000

Keynote Speech IV

Sensorimotor Integration in Lampreys and Robot I: CPG Principles [slides]
*A.H. Cohen1 and M.A. Lewis2
1University of Maryland and 2Iguana Robotics

Session WeA-I: Adaptive Locomotion
Chairs: A.H. Cohen1, M.A. Lewis2 and K. Tsuchiya3
1University of Maryland
2Iguana Robotics
3Kyoto University

Sensorimotor Integration in Lampreys and Robots II: CPG Hardware Circuit for Controlling a Running
Robotic Leg

*M.A. Lewis1, R.E. Cummings2, M. Hartmann3 and A.H. Cohen4
1Iguana Robotics, 2Johns Hopkins University, 3California Institute of Technology
and 4University of Maryland

Decentralized Autonomous Control of a Quadruped Locomotion Robot
*K. Tsujita, K. Tsuchiya and A. Onat
Kyoto University

Control of Walking Machines With Artificial Reflexes
*M. Guddat and M. Frik
Gerhard-Mercator University

Novel Gaits for a Novel Crawling/Grasping Mechanism [slides]
R. M. Voyles
University of Minnesota

Session WeA-II: Modeling and Analysis of Motion
Chairs: M. Buehler1 and H. Kimura2
1McGill University
2University of Electro-Communications

Damping And Size: Insights And Biological Inspiration
*M. Garcia1, A. Kuo2, A. Peattie3, P. Wang1 and R. Full1
1University of California, 2University of Michigan and 3Lewis & Clark College

Approximate Solutions for Gait Simulation and Control
*P. Bourassa, M-R. Meier, P. Micheau and P. Buaka
University of Sherbrooke

Energy Optimal Trajectory Planning of Biped Walking Motion
*R. Liu and K. Ono
Tokyo institute of Technology

Biped Humanoid Robots in Human Environments : Adaptability and Emotion
*H. Lim1 and A. Takanishi2
1Kanagawa Institute of Technology and 2Waseda University

Thursday August 10, 2000

Keynote Speech VI

Robust Behavior of the Human Leg
*R. Blickhan, A. Seyfarth, H. Wagner, A. Friedrichs and Michael Gunther
Friedrich-Schiller-Universitat Jena

Session ThA-I: Adaptive Mechanics
Chairs: R. Blickhan1 and K. Ono2
1Friedrich-Schiller-Universitat Jena
2Tokyo institute of Technology

Quadrupedal Mammals as Paragons for Walking Machines
*H. Witte1, R. Hackert1, W. Ilg2, J. Biltzinger1, N. Schilling1, F. Biedermann1,
M. Jergas3, H. Preuschoft3 and M.S. Fischer1
1Friedrich-Schiller-Universitat Jena, 2Forschungszentrum Informatik
and 3Ruhr-Universitat Bochum

Some Issues in Creating 'Invertebrate' Robots
I.D. Walker
Clemson University

An Adaptive Controller for Two Cooperating Flexible Manipulators [slides]
C.J. Damaren
University of Toronto

Spontaneous Generation of Anti-Gravitational Arm Motion Based on Anatomical Constrains of the Human

*N. Ogihara and N. Yamazaki
Keio University

Interaction between Motions of the Trunk and the Limbs and the Angle of Attack during Synchronous
Gaits of the Pika (Ochotona Rufescens)

*R. Hackert, H. Witte and M.S. Fischer
Friedrich-Schiller-Universitat Jena

Optimal Attitude Control for Articulated Body Mobile Robots
*E.F. Fukushima and Shigeo Hirose
Tokyo Institute of Technology

Session ThP-1: Behavior and Motion of Humans & Humanoids
Chairs: Ch. Lutzenberger1 and T. Ogata2
1Technische Universitat Munchen
2Waseda University

Analysis of Hemiparetic Gait by Using Mechanical Models [slides]
*Ch. Lutzenberger and F. Pfeiffer
Technische Universitat Munchen

Dynamics and Control of a Simulated 3-D Humanoid Biped
K. Sari, *G.M. Nelson and R.D. Quinn
Case Western Reserve University

Real-Time Interactive Motion Generator of Human Figures
Y. Nakamura1, 2 and *K. Yamane1
1University of Tokyo and 2CREST(Japan Science and Technology Corporation)

Adaptive Motions by the Endocrine System Model in An Autonomous Robot
*T. Ogata, S. Sugano
Waseda University

Self-Excited Walking of a Biped Mechanism
K. Ono, *R. Takahashi, T. Shimada and A. Imadu
Tokyo Institute of Technology

Friday August 11, 2000

Keynote Speech VIII

Dynamic Locomotion with Four and Six-Legged Robots
*M. Buehler1, U. Saranli2, D.Papadopoulos1 and D.Koditschek2
1McGill University and 2University of Michigan

Session FrA-I: Technical Development of Mechanism and Control
Chairs: M. Buehler1 and K. Yoneda2
1McGill University
2Tokyo Institute of Technology

Partial Leg Exchange and Active CG Control of Twin-Frame Walking Machine
K. Yoneda, *Y. Ota, F. Ito and S. Hirose
Tokyo Institute of Technology

3D Posture Control by Using the Cat-Turn Motion
*A. Miyajima, K. Yamafuji and T. Tanaka
University of Electro-Communications

Development of MEL HORSE
H. Takeuchi
Mechanical Engineering Laboratory

Session FrP-II: Super-Mechano Systems
Chairs: F. Matsuno1 and R. M. Voyles2
1Tokyo Institute of Technology
2University of Minnesota

Unit Design of Hyper-Redundant Snake Robots Based on a Kinematic Model
*F. Matsuno and K. Mogi
Tokyo Institute of Technology

Dynamic Manipulability of a Snake-Like Robot with Consideration of Side Force and its Application to
Locomotion Control

H. Date, Y. Hoshi and *M. Sampei
Tokyo Institute of Technology

Development and Running Control of a 3D Leg Robot
*T. Ikeda, T.Tamura and T. Mita
Tokyo Institute of Technology

Jumping Cat Robot with Kicking a Wall
M. Yamakita, *Y. Omagari and Y. Taniguchi
Tokyo Institute of Technology

Closing Remarks
Friedrich-Schiller-Universitat Jena

Closing Cover