What's new

2000 Aug.25
Photos were added.
2000 Aug.21
Copyright Form and How to submit movies for CD-ROM proceedings were added.
2000 Aug.21
AMAM2000 poster (PDF) was added.
2000 Jul.31
On-line proceedings for download was added.
2000 Jul.13.
Tentative Program was created in Canada.
On-line proceedings for browsing of AMAM was created.
Events of AMAM/ISIFSM2K/ICANOV2K was added into information page.
2000 Jul.05
Information about the symposium, travel and accommodation was added.
2000 Mar.16

MS Word95 template was removed since something wrong in international env.

2000 Mar.10

MS Word95 template was updated as a MS-Word95[English] file

PDF for MS Word template was added for who cannot open "msword95.doc"

The list of Titles/Authors was updated about [E35]&[E36]

2000 Feb. 27

The list of Titles/Authors was updated about [K02]&[K03]&[K05]&[B09]&[E33]

2000 Feb. 24

The list of Titles/Authors was made be public.

2000 Feb. 23

"msword.doc" was exchanged since it had included improper character.

2000 Feb. 21

WEB page for AMAM started!